
3 tips for suffocating family relationships

Geplaatst op 6 juli 2021

It's not easy when someone you love has an addiction or psychiatric problems. Our coaches at Partner and Family Support listen to everyone's story. And they work with you to find ways to deal with behavioral problems.

Just before she took her well-deserved retirement, we were able to catch coach Evelien Quelle for a contribution to the 2020 Annual Report. Herewith her 3 tips for unpleasant family situations.

  1. Accept that you can't fix it for the other person
    . "We often see family members in help mode: 'It's going wrong again, I have to do something!' But by always trying to solve the problems for the other person, you unintentionally perpetuate the situation. After all, you take care of it all, don't you?"

  2. Mind your own boundaries
    "Don't get sucked into the other person's situation. Periodically ask yourself, 'How am I doing? Am I still sleeping well? Am I not too tired or irritable?'"

  3. Ask for help if you're struggling with letting go
    "It helps to talk to a knowledgeable person about your struggles. A common misconception is that you have to let go of the other person to save yourself. It's about lovingly letting go of the other person. You are still there, but the other person is responsible for their own actions."

More about our department for partners and families of people with addiction or mental health issues can be found here.

Text Cecile Vossen | Photography Merlin Michon



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