

Geplaatst op 4 september 2023

In terms of "buddies," De Regenboog Groep is the largest organization in Amsterdam. And we don't just send these buddies out on the street. For fifteen years they have first received training at the Volunteer Academy.

Laura Wellink (33) was positively surprised when she registered as a volunteer and heard that she could go to the Volunteer Academy for a basic training: "So, I thought, they take it seriously, how good. I have been a volunteer at several organizations, but never was there such an interactive training. I also liked the fact that you are in a class with several people. That way you meet other volunteers and get input from all sides."

Every year four thousand people sign up for the Volunteer Academy. The largest group comes through De Regenboog Groep. As one of the co-founders of the academy, Karin Hanekroot is proud of the satisfaction rating of the trainings, "At the end of the training we ask what rating the trainees give us. Over the years, we have gone up from a 7.9 to an 8.5."

Various scenarios

Laura also looks back on the training with satisfaction: "You go through all kinds of scenarios with each other. That's handy, because in this line of work it can happen that you're faced with a situation in which you think: what now? For example: your buddy asks you to go along to his or her family's party. Is that allowed? Is that wise? Isn't that too close? During the training you will learn what to say in such a case. I am a spontaneous person and quickly think: oh, I'll see how I react. Now I am stronger in my role and I feel less often caught off guard."

Role as a volunteer

"It's nice," Laura continues, "that the course reflects on your role as a volunteer. After all, it's not a friendship, but neither am I a professional social worker. When I visit my buddy, a woman who has become economically homeless due to circumstances, I regularly think before I do anything: is this really my role? The nice thing is that you can also feed this back during the Regenboog's "volunteer groups" that are regular. There you can talk with other volunteers and coordinators about certain situations. Then I hear: 'You do quite a lot, there are things that the social worker should pick up and not you.' The Regenboog thinks with me, intervenes where necessary and contacts the professional social worker if that's important."

"Because of the expertise brought in from different organizations, they have such a beautiful and rich range of education and training, I think our volunteers deserve that."

Directeur Hans Wijnands van De Regenboog Groep over de Vrijwilligersacademie

Helping hand

During the basic training you will learn to set boundaries using practical examples. Suppose you run into your buddy and he asks if he can go home with you. What do you say? Or he wants to borrow money from you or apps you more often than agreed. How do you make sure you don't get overcharged? In the training, volunteers gain insight into how to extend a helping hand without slipping into the role of rescuer. Alice Hulshof works at the Regenboog and is a trainer at the Volunteer Academy: "As a volunteer it is important to let the participant make his or her own choices: let your buddy set the pace. It is his or her life. People themselves know best which step they are ready for. As a volunteer, you make a difference by tapping into and supporting this own wisdom, and by being a sparring partner and confidant."


Real contact

The motivation for each volunteer varies, Alice notices: "Some are looking for a bit more meaning alongside a commercial job, others have something to do with the target group or are aware of their skills. We want to inspire volunteers with the training, not stuff them with rigid rules. It is much more about matching expectations and making good agreements with your buddy: when are you there for them and when not? Another important one: stay curious, without trying to give a thousand tips. Furthermore, building trust, giving feedback and having an open conversation are parts of the training. But the golden tip: just stay yourself. It's all about making real contact.

Text: Nicolline van der Spek I Photography: Merlin Michon


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