There are Amsterdam residents who do not know how to use a computer or smartphone. Sending an e-mail, arranging something online or buying something is then complicated. This is annoying, because living without the Internet is becoming increasingly difficult.

When you are not handy with smartphone or computer, it also sometimes makes you lonely. For example, because you can't send an app or email. That is why there are Digimaatjes. A Digimaatje is a volunteer who comes to your home to practice with the participant on a computer, tablet or smartphone. The participant becomes more confident with the device and will be able and also dare to do more.


Become a Digimate and help someone?

A Digimate is not a computer hero. Above all, you are patient and take the time to let another person learn. You don't take over tasks, but support the participant. Of course, you understand the basics of computer use such as: e-mailing, social media, downloading apps and creating overviews. Internet banking or creating DigiD are sometimes part of it. And you pay attention to safe internet use. The guidance will cost you one or two hours a week for at least half a year.

Need help from a Digimate?

You haven't learned to work with computers, smartphones or tablets. There may be several reasons for this. Maybe you don't know anyone who can explain it to you. Maybe you have (had) mental health problems that prevent you from concentrating well. Maybe it is not possible for you to join a course. Or maybe there is a completely different reason why it never happened. Sign up and we will find you a Digimateje. He or she will come to your home and help you personally.

Computer over?

Many participants in our digimate project don't have a smartphone, tablet or computer. Do you have one left over? Then turn it in to De Regenboog Groep. We give them on loan to participants.


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